
Sabtu, 10 Maret 2012

Membuat Konverter Jarak Menggunakan Java

 * This program will convert measurements expressed in inches,
 * feet, yards, or miles into each of the possible units of
 * measure.  The measurement is input by the user, followed by
 * the unit of measure.  For example:  "17 feet", "1 inch",
 * "2.73 mi".  Abbreviations in, ft, yd, and mi are accepted.
 * The program will continue to read and convert measurements
 * until the user enters an input of 0.
 public class LengthConverter {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
       double measurement;  // Numerical measurement, input by user.
       String units;        // The unit of measure for the input, also
                            //    specified by the user.
       double inches, feet, yards, miles;  // Measurement expressed in
                                           //   each possible unit of
                                           //   measure.
       TextIO.putln("Enter measurements in inches, feet, yards, or miles.");
       TextIO.putln("For example:  1 inch    17 feet    2.73 miles");
       TextIO.putln("You can use abbreviations:   in   ft  yd   mi");
       TextIO.putln("I will convert your input into the other units");
       TextIO.putln("of measure.");
       while (true) {
          /* Get the user's input, and convert units to lower case. */
          TextIO.put("Enter your measurement, or 0 to end:  ");
          measurement = TextIO.getDouble();
          if (measurement == 0)
             break;  // terminate the while loop
          units = TextIO.getlnWord();            
          units = units.toLowerCase();
          /* Convert the input measurement to inches. */
          if (units.equals("inch") || units.equals("inches") 
                                          || units.equals("in")) {
              inches = measurement;
          else if (units.equals("foot") || units.equals("feet") 
                                          || units.equals("ft")) {
              inches = measurement * 12;
          else if (units.equals("yard") || units.equals("yards") 
                                           || units.equals("yd")) {
              inches = measurement * 36;
          else if (units.equals("mile") || units.equals("miles") 
                                             || units.equals("mi")) {
              inches = measurement * 12 * 5280;
          else {
              TextIO.putln("Sorry, but I don't understand \"" 
                                                   + units + "\".");
              continue;  // back to start of while loop
          /* Convert measurement in inches to feet, yards, and miles. */
          feet = inches / 12;
          yards = inches / 36;
          miles = inches / (12*5280);
          /* Output measurement in terms of each unit of measure. */
          TextIO.putln("That's equivalent to:");
          TextIO.putf("%12.5g", inches);
          TextIO.putln(" inches");
          TextIO.putf("%12.5g", feet);
          TextIO.putln(" feet");
          TextIO.putf("%12.5g", yards);
          TextIO.putln(" yards");
          TextIO.putf("%12.5g", miles);
          TextIO.putln(" miles");
       } // end while
       TextIO.putln("OK!  Bye for now.");
    } // end main()
 } // end class LengthConverter

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